Start Your Quest
For 11+ Excellence Now!

Unlock your journey to 11+ success with Quest for Exams! Elevate your preparation with expert guidance, comprehensive resources, and state-of-the-art performance tracking tools.

500 Practice Papers
2500 Questions
200 Helps Sheets
900 Topics

Sample Papers

Explore our extensive collection of free sample papers designed to help students excel in their 11+ exams. These high quality resources are carefully crafted to provide valuable practice and boost confidence. Click on “Free Samples” to try out our sample papers before you start your Quest journey!

Free Samples

Our Bundles

£ 25
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Discount Badge 50% OFF
£ 50 £ 25.00
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£ 50 £ 25.00
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£ 25 £ 12.50

Introduction to Quest For Exams


Master the art of language and communication with our comprehensive English resources.

Master the art of language and communication with our comprehensive English resources.
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Unlock the world of numbers and problem-solving with our Mathematics materials.

Unlock the world of numbers and problem-solving with our Mathematics materials.
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Verbal Reasoning

Sharpen your critical thinking and Verbal Reasoning skills with our specialized resources.

Sharpen your critical thinking and Verbal Reasoning skills with our specialized resources.
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Non-Verbal Reasoning

Navigate the realm of Non-Verbal Reasoning and enhance your spatial awareness with our targeted materials.

Navigate the realm of Non-Verbal Reasoning and enhance your spatial awareness with our targeted materials.
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Topic Wise Past Papers

Our Topic Wise Past Papers are your math practice hub, providing focused questions for each topic to help you build a strong foundation and excel in your exams.

Our Topic Wise Past Papers are your math practice hub, providing focused questions for each topic to help you build a strong foundation and excel in your exams.
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School Wise Practice Papers

Prepare for school-specific exams with our School Wise Exams tailored to your school's requirements

Prepare for school-specific exams with our School Wise Exams tailored to your school's requirements
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Mock Exams

Prepare for your exam with our timed Mock Exams, designed to mirror the real test environment, helping you build confidence and master your timing.

Prepare for your exam with our timed Mock Exams, designed to mirror the real test environment, helping you build confidence and master your timing.
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Quick Tests

Short on time and craving a challenge? Sharpen your skills with Quick Tests, offering short, focused practice sessions in easy, medium, and hard levels across all four subjects

Short on time and craving a challenge? Sharpen your skills with Quick Tests, offering short, focused practice sessions in easy, medium, and hard levels across all four subjects
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Help Sheets & Videos

Excel in every topic with our Help Sheets and Videos—your go-to resource for in-depth explanations and step-by-step solutions across all four subjects.

Excel in every topic with our Help Sheets and Videos—your go-to resource for in-depth explanations and step-by-step solutions across all four subjects.
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Why Choose Us?

  • Unparalleled Educational Resources
  • Immersive Learning Environment
  • Unlock the Path to Excellence
  • Comprehensive Exam Strategies
  • Transparent Progress Tracking
  • Proven Track Record of Success

Unparalleled Educational Resources

From comprehensive help sheets to rigorous practice papers and stimulating creative writing exercises, our resources are crafted to bolster students’ learning experiences.

Immersive Learning Environment

Our platform features captivating topical videos, concise help sheets, and interactive sessions that refine students’ concepts and fuel their motivation to learn.

Unlock the Path to Excellence

Our Mastery Level is designed to measure students' progress and also highlights areas for further development. Help your child strive for the next level in their academic journey!

Comprehensive Exam Strategies

Simulate exam conditions with our immersive mock exams, featuring authentic question formats and time constraints to help students perform at their best on the big day.

Transparent Progress Tracking

Through accessible student and parent portals, you’ll gain real-time insights into your child’s progress, empowering you to track your child’s path to success.

Proven Track Record of Success

Join the ranks of our satisfied users, who have witnessed remarkable improvements in academic performance and achievement through their Quest experience.


Past Papers


Satisfied Parents

Cynthia Caldwell

I appreciate that the interface is easy to navigate, which reduces the learning curve for students and their parents

Elliot Hayes

The various content types available such as mock exams, help sheets, topical video tutorials and much more, make it the ideal platform for students’ 11+ exam preparation

Hazel Merrick

I really like that Quest for Exams regularly updates their platforms by adding new and improved features while also addressing the users’ issues

Avery Collins

Quest has all the information needed for a child appearing in the 11+ exams including admission and grammar school guides as well as school lists which are accessible and up-to-date

Muhammad Sultan

Great, up-to-date resources

Amelia Harper

A game changer for 11+ prep.

Samuel Hartley

It is easy to assign papers and track progress, and great for parents who don't have time to monitor their children's work

Alex Sutton

REALLY detailed reports and insight, and helps my children target specific areas to perform better overall

Quinn Sinclair

The marking system saves me so much time

Ali Hamza

My son finds the questions helpful and relevant to his practice

Aqib Prismatic

Very Good And helpful for me

Oliver Matthews

Great set of practice papers that helped my child improve their comprehension skills, they've been a great help in getting prepared for the 11+

Oliver Matthews

Great set of practice papers that helped my child improve their comprehension skills, they've been a great help in getting prepared for the 11+

Amelia Johnson

Excellent resource for anyone preparing for the CSSE exam

Amelia Johnson

Perfect for gl exam prep! Provide great practice

Liam Harris

A fantastic resource for practicing under time pressure

Megan Williams

Perfect for daily practice! They really helped my son with time management

Sarah Thompson

excellent practice for students who need to improve their English for the 11+ exam

Emily Roberts

My daughter attempted all the quick tests and we could identify real progress

Emily Smith

The questions were well-structured and closely matched the actual test format!

Amna Yasir

Great resource! My child’s confidence has improved so much with these practice tests.

Sophie Patel

Best practice site! I’ve tried many, but this one truly made a difference in my child’s performance.

Nathan Baker

My son struggled with math, but now he’s solving problems with ease. A literal lifesaver.

Josh Hemmingway

Easy to use! My daughter can practice independently while I check her progress.

Maria Gonzalez

After practicing these papers, my child’s test scores have gone up.


About Us:

At Quest for Exams, we empower students and parents on their 11+ journey with top-quality exam materials, practice papers, and performance tracking tools. Our resources help identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring a tailored learning experience. Committed to excellence, our passionate team supports student success and fosters a love for learning.